lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

I'm going to stay in the wrong
Because I don't know how to get 
through the thicket of my own mind in order 
to reach whatever it is that I'm supposed to do
I'm going to stay the same
and the same
and the same 
until I die of it 

What I feeling is shame
raw, loathing shame
I don't want to be the person I am
I don't want to be the person 
who just did what I did

I am awful 
I am heartless
I am scared
that these things are actually true

Maybe I came on too strong

Siempre lo mismo
Vuelvo a mis demonios oscuros
En los momentos menos adecuados
En el momento justo

Mi mente me enreda
Vuelvo una y otra vez
Al mismo lugar
Al mismo dilema

Digo y me desdigo
Hablo y arruino
Me arruino

Una y otra vez en un círculo vicioso

Como no voy a perder cada partida
Si hago una mala jugada en cada turno

Maybe I play my cards wrong,
Just a little bit wrong